The Game’s Afoot | Ben Waddington


Wed 11 Sept | 5 30pm | 110 mins


Meet: Outside Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH

Birmingham may not be the first city you think of in connection with uber-detective Sherlock Holmes but the evidence is all there to be discovered. Creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived in the city while he was writing his first mysteries and his later Sherlock adventures borrow names from several Birmingham figures and locations. Tantalisingly, the literary landscape of Doyle’s stories owes much to his formative experiences of Birmingham and Aston. On this 111-minute walk through the city centre, an assembled audience is introduced to the clues that reveal Holmes’ presence. At once an affectionate tribute to the world’s most famous detective but also a reflection on the nature of evidence, critical thinking and our own beliefs.

Join Ben after the walk for rest and refreshments at The Shakespeare on Summer Row.

Footwear suitable for urban walking and weather-appropriate clothing is essential.
