Street Gym - Reclaim the Streets

The first week of January can be a time of great change in people’s lives. Personal improvements for the better usually include: be more active, try something new and the universal get out more.

Street Gym - led by John Allison - is our only walk scheduled for January and combines all of these New year Resolution requirements in one event.

So what is Street Gym? Think of it as entry level Free Running or Parkour. Certainly it is not as extreme as that sport but it borrows the same creative rethinking of the urban environment and so is very much up our street. It doesn’t require peak fitness - if you can run a mile and complete a few push ups you will be fine.

Bicycle racks, railings, low level walls, stair cases and public art all become open-access gym equipment to the Street Gymnast under John’s guidance. Responding to bollards, borders, patterns on the ground…we were children the last time we paid attention to our environment in this way. Before there’s time to get bored, you are moving onto the next obstacle or challenge - no need to listen to music or podcasts to keep a Street Gym run engaging.

John fine-tuned his talent in the British Army, serving as a Combat Engineer. Regular obstacle courses aside, using available material and equipment to solve problems became second nature to him. He now trains civilians to use their everyday environment to suit their exercise needs. It can feel empowering to make a claim on the urban environment in this way - using things on your terms, then moving on. People watching a Street Gym session on the move often want in on the action!

Once you learn how to do rethink your environment in this way, you have a skill for life. And - if you want one - a free gym.

Limited places are still available. Enlist now!

Saturday 12 January, 11am and 2pm, setting off from Roundhouse.

More info and booking here: