Boscage Run #19   SOLD OUT!

Fri 25th July, 9pm with Gudrun Irminsu

Start: The precise location of the circular route will be announced
in the days leading up to the event.

Duration: 70 - 80 mins

Gudrun has devised an 8km running route connecting the city’s woodlands, wild copses and unchecked wildernesses. The route affords a rapidly shifting landscape experienced in failing light - physical exertion makes this a reality rather than a purely cinematic viewing. The run is intended for practised runners who will be confident in keeping the pace over 70 - 80 minutes over a variety of terrains.

About Gudrun Irminsu

Gudrun’s work explores the experience of moving through a space in a cinematographic context. Her video work is often a single, lengthy take, which is made in a variety of natural landscapes. In recent years her film making has given way to ‘solo-cinema’ events, usually in the form of hill running or remote forest trails at dusk. She lives in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany, where she teaches and exhibits her work.

Extra information:

  • Changing, storage and showering facilities will be accessible
  • Comfortable running clothes and shoes, water. Route is mostly off road but firm and dry. Some mild inclines
  • Runners should be confident in maintaining a steady pace but will be given a map of the route and a contact number in case they need to drop out.
  • Unsuitable for children

Eventbrite - Boscage Run #19 // Gudrun Irminsul