Arcadia // Ben Waddington
Wed 29th May // 6pm // 90mins
Meet: Colmore Row end of Great Western Arcade B2 5HU
An evening of Walter Benjamin-inspired flânerie through Birmingham's shopping arcades - which in 1890s Paris would be the most fashionable destination to be seen.
‘To lose one’s way in a city, as one loses one’s way in a forest, requires some schooling.’ – Walter Benjamin
A ‘window shopping’ stroll through three very different Birmingham’s city centre arcades in the spirit of the fashionable nineteenth century Parisian strollers. At once a barometer of Birmingham’s changing cultural (and non-cultural) identity and a satire of contemporary consumer habits. How have arcade wares changed since Benjamin’s era? In 2019, have we evolved a rational buying aesthetic or are still being presented with the same old tat that nobody really needs or wants, yet the sale of which props up our economy?
Comfortable footwear and weather-appropriate clothing essential.
Accessible route
Arcadia first ran (as ‘Arcades Walk’) during Flatpack Festival in 2015